I’ve been staring at you, with no doubt in my eyes
But you act like you don’t care
Try to play it cool
And quickly turn away
Still, you react to each move I make, you can't ignore me
Even if you try to deny it
You can’t hold back
You're drawn in, and you can't stop me
I’ve got a tight grip over each step, on your heart
To let you really see, make you realize all that’s behind the real me
I’ll keep you on the move, running on
Until you’re caught up in the game
You fall into the heat, and it's hard to leave
There's no way of going back
With every move that I do make
You'll never forget me for sure
Call it whatever you want
This is my 'Lure Spice,' let it take you to flight
You act like I'm just a brief phase, but I see past your mask
You turn away, but your heart's on show
Caught in the pull of attraction
You can't look away
You try to hide it, but your lost eyes give you out away
Feel the spark that brings us close
In this dance of hearts entwined
We're both just playing the same game
I’ve got a tight grip over each step, on your heart
To let you really see, make you realize all that’s behind the real me
I’ll keep you on the move, running on (Move, running on)
Until you’re caught up in the game
You fall into the heat, and it's hard to leave
There's no way of going back
With every move that I do make (Move that I do make)
You'll never forget me for sure
Call it whatever you want
This is my 'Lure Spice,' let it take you to flight for more
You've got Lure Spice
Feel the rush break through as the game begins
Greedy and all brand new
Now it’s all set on you
(It’s the thrill you fair can’t tame)
I’ll keep you on the move, running on (Move, running on)
Until you’re caught up in the game
(Once you dive in deep, there's no track)
You fall into the heat, and it's hard to leave
There's no way of going back
(Left you wanting, craving more)
With every move that I do make (Move that I do make)
You'll never forget me for sure
(Feel the pull, too strong to ignore)
Call it whatever you want
This is my 'Lure Spice,' let it take you to flight for more
- 作詞
- 作曲
- プロデューサー
- ミキシングエンジニア
- マスタリングエンジニア
- シンセサイザー
A-laise の“Lure Spice”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
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Lure Spice
A-laiseの2枚目のシングル「Lure Spice」は、アップテンポでエネルギッシュなダンスポップ・アンセムです。パンチのあるエレクトロニック・ビートが力強いグルーヴを生み出し、高揚感を演出します。キャッチーなメロディとスタイリッシュなサウンドデザインが融合し、心を掴む一曲に仕上がっています。 歌詞は誘惑と駆け引きをテーマにしたスリリングな内容で、聞く者を物語の中へと引き込みます。 「Lure Spice」は、エネルギーに満ちたサウンドと遊び心溢れる表現で、多くのリスナーに新たな魅力を届ける一曲です。
A-laise is a Tuckey production solo project. "A-laise" is derived from the French word "alaise," signifying comfort. A-laise, an accomplished artist and musician, delivers original tracks with a smooth, mellow, and upbeat sound. These tunes are designed to soothe and relax, providing a pleasant backdrop or more, tailored to your personal preferences.
Tuckey Label Music