Dream of Gloryのジャケット写真


I'm A Surfrider


I don't have money

And I have no great ideas

But I'm fine everyday

There is beautiful beach

And I have a nice surfboard

I ride every morning

So I don't need pay to ride

I have a dream

It is just another one

But I'm proud of my dream

I always knew there are many people over the sea

They have too much on their plates

And they don't care me today

But I ride on the wave

It never ends

It's my day, it's my life

No one can stop me

Someday you see me on crest of the wave

I don't have money

And I have no great ideas

But I'm fine everyday

I always knew there are many people over the sea

They have too much on their plates

And they don't care me today

I always knew

But I ride on the wave

It never ends

It's my day, it's my life

No one can stop me

Someday you see me on crest of the wave

We don't have to hurry

Don't miss a chance to win

I'm still here and waiting for the sunrise

I'm ready to ride on the wave

Tidal waves close in on me

But I'll never hide, never run away

You know I'm a surfrider

I'm aiming to ride any waves

I'm ready to ride on the wave

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Dream of Gloryのジャケット写真

UTA369 の“I'm A Surfrider”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

