Be free!!!! Front Cover


Be free!!!!

1st crack

Happiness! I trust everything will be green and be alright

I give you shakin' happy days

It's time now that we have beer and nibble

Sure, I never think tomorrow's planning

Having many blue jokes, so are you ready, right?

No matter what anyone says, I choose this dirty way

Happiness! I trust everything will be green and be alright

I give you shakin' happy days

Come on! putting on my old clothes and boots

And then driving my proud Jeep's car yeah

I like it, living with my favorite

Everything is fine Be more rising

Everything is fine Be more raising

Everything is fine Be more rising

Everything is fine, yeah…

Thank you all

I feel the world is free

I receive shakin' happy days

Happiness! I trust everything will be green and be alright

I give you shakin' happy days

Happiness! I trust everything will be green and be alright

Everything is fine Be more rising

Everything is fine Be more raising

Everything is fine Be more rising

Everything is fine, raising…

  • Lyricist

    1st crack

  • Composer

    1st crack

Be free!!!! Front Cover

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    Be free!!!!

    1st crack

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Be free!!!!

iTunes Store • Punk TOP SONGS • Japan • TOP 2 • 27 Aug 2023

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  • 1st crack

    北海道旭川市発4ピースバンド 「1st crack」(ファーストクラック) 90年代のメロディックパンクをルーツに、現代のあらゆる音楽性を取り入れた「ネオメロディック」を追求した新しい音楽性、そして情熱的な歌詞は英詞、日本語詞を問わず聴くものの心を突き刺してゆく。 北海道内に留まらず、関東・関西などでも精力的に活動中。 今までにない、メロディックパンクの道を切り開くバンドが北海道発「1st crack」である。

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