

My Last Place

Slaying Under MInes

Put down the cup you hold

It's as empty as inside of your heart

I knew you wanna rage about

There is no reason to be patient

Second by second

We're getting close to death

At tomorrow, or next moment

So need to break out at once

The world is not so dark

Just your eyes still keep closing

I knew you want a trigger

It's never or now

I fill blank up

Same days break out

Kick out anyone who stops you

Take me in yourself

Give me one seat

If It goes real, I don't need anything

Don't make it what takes a care

Needn't wasting your sight for it

‘till I keep finding keys

For save from cruel lonely world

Hold your bleath in this moment

Just feel this groove

It is heart beat

Hold your bleath in this moment

Just feel this groove

It is your life


I fill blank up

Same days break out

Kick out anyone who stops you

Take me in yourself

Give me one seat

If It goes real, I don't need anything

Don't make it what takes a care

Needn't wasting your sight for it

‘till I keep finding keys

For save from cruel lonely world

  • 作詞

    Slaying Under MInes

  • 作曲

    Slaying Under MInes


Slaying Under MInes の“My Last Place”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

香川発メタルコアバンドSlaying Under MInes初となるEP!これがスレイングなりのメタルコア!ライブ定番曲を遂に音源化!
ゲストボーカルにRAISE ONE'S EYESよりAndreを迎えたタイトルトラック"erode"は必聴!

