I'm feeling drowsy today too
(Got tired)
Never do anything
(Lack of vitamins?)
Add to my wish list:
Get a white tattoo
On my back or my neck
Don’t call me
With a stupid reason
Won’t reply to any SMS
Won’t move here
Till feel like shit
Or out of shape?
I need time to talk?
I need more time to fun!
No matter what the reason is
I know I’m okay
What a perfect day
For going back to sleep!
Monday never let me down
I’m feeling drowsy today too
(Got tired)
Never do anything
(Lack of vitamins?)
- Lyricist
Swim in May
- Composer
Swim in May
Listen to mondayneverletmedown by Swim in May
Streaming / Download
- 1
Swim in May
- 2
Swim in May
- 3
Swim in May
- 4
Swim in May
- 5
brain atrophy
Swim in May
- ⚫︎
Swim in May
Artist Profile
Swim in May
write and record all songs in my bedroom. i guess it's too cold to swim in may in japan.
Swim in Mayの他のリリース