For found a nation Front Cover


For found a nation

Last Day Dream

I was told by other losers

That I was facelessness

But just I like sing a song

The envy made attempt on my life

From the first, the ruler was nil in this scene

But just I like sing a song. But just I like sing a song

The name of the game is rotten as always

I had a bad sign, old allies were gone

I hear the sound like your will

So I sing

For found a nation

From the first, the rule was nil in this scene

I stand here for my life

I stand here to avenge

But just I like sing a song

I am king to revive the culture

For found a nation

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For found a nation Front Cover

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For found a nation

iTunes Store • Metal TOP SONGS • Japan • TOP 1 • 25 Sep 2023

Artist Profile

  • Last Day Dream

    Last Day Dream, also known as "LDD", is a metalcore band based in Osaka since 2013. They have performed with big names both domestically and internationally, and have progressed to becoming a national band. 2020-2021 The new coronavirus is swirling around the world, and the band has decided to refrain from live performances. In January 2022, a self-planned event "VS LDDvol.07" will be held to commemorate the former members. Announcing the resumption of live activities. SOLD OUT in just one day from the start of ticket reservation. In 2023, the 10th anniversary of the activity, LDD will attack the music scene with further heavy music.

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