You’re having a good time right?
I’m not cuz your such an eyesore
Guess what
I got news for you bitch
You thought your plan were going well
(Look at yourself)
You got baffled
But you don’t want to face it
Taking action from now is too late
You’re a butterfly trapped in a spider web
Heaven or hell
You’re dead either way
I’m a bug to your system
Try to shut me out
How does it feel to forget how you were
Questioning yourself why you got stuck in your head
I know how hard it’s to carry on
We’ve been hurt too much with no reason
Breathe life into our lives so we can see it
Brightness which we hold
Your brain is filled up with parasites
There’s nothing you can do but watching yourself ending
Suffer the void and wash all your sin
I’m a bug to your system
Try to shut me out
How does it feel to forget how you were
Questioning yourself why you got stuck in your head
I know how hard it’s to carry on
We’ve been hurt too much with no reason
Breathe life into our lives so we can see it
Brightness which we hold
You’re having a good time right?
I’m not cuz your such an eyesore
- 作詞
- 作曲
mildrage の“Demolisher”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- 1
Tunnel Vision
- 2
- ⚫︎
E - 4
Against The Current
- 5
Polar Night
2016年神奈川県厚木で結成された、男女ツインスクリームラウドロックバンド mildrage(読:マイルドレイジ) その年リリースした「Armeria」Music VideoはYoutubeで現在累計140万回再生を突破。 その後もCrystal Lake主催の「THE ROAD OF TRUE NORTH」や、 2019年には国内最大級フェス「FUJIROCK ROKIE A GO-GO」に出演するなど勢力的に活動中。 2020年にリリースされた新体制後初のデジタルシングル「K.M.S」は今までにないパンチの効いた1曲となり、 2021年に1年半ぶりとなるミニアルバム『EMERGENCE』をリリース。
2021 mildrage