The Wind Lifts Dust Front Cover


The Wind Lifts Dust

Street Bloom

When I'm sad I stopped closing off my heart

Trying not to feel anything

As if nothing ever happened

Time keeps moving as it is

The wind lifts the dust scattering it around

I squint as I cross through the scene

Yesterday's dream

Was a compound of today and the day before

As if sighing itself was a way of breathing

I stifled a yawn

Why did you come here

You look at me with sparkling eyes

I brush off the dust from my clothes

And try to distance myself from you

But still you gaze at me with joy

So I pretend to be sleepy

And sever today's dream

In the warmth of the sunlight

I start to doze off

Your smile makes me feel ticklish

I try to recall the harsh north wind

But you start whispering words of love

I forget the cold wind

And for now I just want to feel you

Right now I just want to feel you

Why did you come here

You look at me with sparkling eyes

I brush off the dust from my clothes

And try to distance myself from you

But still you gaze at me with joy

So I pretend to be sleepy

And sever today's dream

In the warmth of the sunlight

I start to doze off

Your smile makes me feel ticklish

I try to recall the harsh north wind

But you start whispering words of love

I forget the cold wind

And for now I just want to feel you

Right now I just want to feel you

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The Wind Lifts Dust Front Cover

Listen to The Wind Lifts Dust by Street Bloom

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    The Wind Lifts Dust

    Street Bloom
