

Sun Dice


I was walking along

With the big summer

When I noticed them

They were looking along

The road I'd been walking

Chanting beside the dirt


I said none of a thing

Passing by the singers

Pretending out of my mind

They kept looking along

The road I'd been walking

Humming and chanting on


Slipping out of a dome called the cactus

Flipping out over waving banner of our practice

Argued what I believe is the best

L think I was talking to a preacher of the year

Feeling like nowhere bound I said

“What is most chosen is nobody's best"

He said


Slipping out of a dome called the cactus

Flipping out over waving banner of our practice

So, we dont know we grow old till a wash away

Sun Dice

It's the soul shivering in a story of a washed-away

Long lasting signals blowing off the feast of unlabeled

Long calling signal is keeping everything away

From the latest brand new children

I can see them clearly sleeping

Remaining still in the corridor

Oh, it's straight and narrow

I am going to get myself out of a dome called the cactus

They are flipping out over waving banner of the practice

So, we dont know that we grow old till the wash away

Sun Dice, it's my soul

Siblings, it's the story of the washed-away

  • 作詞


  • 作曲



elrevig の“Sun Dice”を


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  • elrevig

    elrevigは2012年3月に結成した4人組。豊かなメロディと含意に富んだ童話のようなストーリー性のある歌詞、滋味あふれる歌声により独自の世界を構築している。 メンバーはGt.Voカツヤクニゾウ(perfect piano lesson)、Ba.河原裕之(Studio Certesレコーディングエンジニア)、Gt.外山大輔(ex. Killing Skill 48)、Dr.平林佑介。 ハードコア、ポストロック、オルタナティブロックなど様々なシーンでキャリアを積んできた4人によって生み出されるのは、一筋縄ではいかない真摯なロック。なお、”elrevig”とはエスペラント語で「空想から目が覚める」という意。



Studio Certes
