"Fully Assorted Anthology of Chorus" for Mixed Chorus Front Cover


Get the broth (feat. Mio Kobayashi, Yuka Koshi, Junya Yoshida, Luther-Hiroshi Ichimura, Shoko Izumi & Satoshi Suzuki)

Nagahana Publishing


スープをとる とんこつが食べたい

すぐ食べたい ちょっと我慢して

スープを 作っていこうと思います

ひとつ大鍋ご用意ください 大きめがよいと思います

使う食材 豚骨! 豚骨! 鶏ガラ!



沸かしたお湯に豚骨を沈める 10分から15分で大丈夫です

茹でこぼして きれいに洗って 鍋も洗って


冷たい水をひたひたに 沸かすぞ



さぁ 強火にかけて

鍋を沸かす 沸いたら火力落とす



ここで一緒にお肉を茹でると チャーシューが作れます


弱火コトコト炊いていきましょう 途中で野菜も入れます

あっさり2時間 こってりしっかり4時間


みんな大好き乳化スープ 最後強火で煮詰めます

ぐつぐつ もうすぐ出来上がります

これから ラーメン作ろうぜ!

麺を茹でよう どんぶりを温めて

あつあつのスープ かえしはチャーシューのタレ

ネギにノリにゆでたまご お好きなお供ときれいに盛り付けて



  • Lyricist


  • Composer


"Fully Assorted Anthology of Chorus" for Mixed Chorus Front Cover

Listen to Get the broth (feat. Mio Kobayashi, Yuka Koshi, Junya Yoshida, Luther-Hiroshi Ichimura, Shoko Izumi & Satoshi Suzuki) by Nagahana Publishing

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    The joy of frying (feat. Mio Kobayashi, Yuka Koshi, Junya Yoshida, Luther-Hiroshi Ichimura, Shoko Izumi & Satoshi Suzuki)

    Nagahana Publishing

  • 2

    Ready for chilled Ramen (feat. Mio Kobayashi, Yuka Koshi, Junya Yoshida, Luther-Hiroshi Ichimura, Shoko Izumi & Satoshi Suzuki)

    Nagahana Publishing

  • 3

    Thick straw (feat. Mio Kobayashi, Yuka Koshi, Junya Yoshida, Luther-Hiroshi Ichimura & Satoshi Suzuki)

    Nagahana Publishing

  • 4

    minimal-go-round (feat. Mio Kobayashi, Yuka Koshi, Junya Yoshida, Luther-Hiroshi Ichimura & Satoshi Suzuki)

    Nagahana Publishing

  • 5

    Haraheri (feat. Mio Kobayashi, Yuka Koshi, Junya Yoshida, Luther-Hiroshi Ichimura, Shoko Izumi & Satoshi Suzuki)

    Nagahana Publishing

  • ⚫︎

    Get the broth (feat. Mio Kobayashi, Yuka Koshi, Junya Yoshida, Luther-Hiroshi Ichimura, Shoko Izumi & Satoshi Suzuki)

    Nagahana Publishing

The second volume of the Nagahana choral music collection is finally available!
Three and a half years after the mixed chorus collection "I got wasted" became such a big hit that it had to be reprinted, the second volume of the Nagahana chorus collection is finally ready!

This time, under the title of "Fully Assorted Anthology of Chorus," we have selected songs related to food, such as fried chicken, ramen, sushi, and cold Chinese noodles.

Of course, the sound is not limited to existing choral music. In addition to jazz, musical highlights, and salsa, which are all genres in which Nagahana excels, the album also includes a challenging piece in which the chorus expresses minimal music.

In a change from its booze-soaked predecessor, this work is presented with an alcohol content of 0.0%. This is a work that can be enjoyed by students and adults alike.

<Participating Artists>
Soprano : Mio Kobayashi
Alto : Yuka Koshi
Tenor : Junya Yoshida
Bass : Luther Hiroshi Ichimura
Conductor : Satoshi "Gianni" Suzukki
Piano : Shoko Izumi
Engineering : Chang-You

Artist Profile

YOTTA Factory Inc. / Nagahana Publishing
