


お月様に照らされて ここがどこかもわからず

狭いダンボール箱 隅で震えていた

優しい笑顔のままで 毛布に包んでくれた

あの日アナタが言ったね 一緒に帰ろうか?

朝焼けの道 いつものコース




一枚の写真には みんなに囲まれたボクがいる

家族になれた事 とてもとても幸せだったから

熱にうなされたアナタ ボクは何も出来なくて

ずっと祈っていたんだ ベッドから離れず





一枚の写真には 笑顔に囲まれたボクがいる

あの日くれた 赤い首輪






さよならの時が来る 泣かないでボクは側にいるよ

あの道を歩くとき アナタの足跡についていく

一枚の写真には みんなに囲まれたボクがいる

家族になれた事 とてもとても幸せだったから

  • Lyricist


  • Composer



Listen to promenade by onosiu

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Created in September 2019, this is the first overseas recording work produced by local musicians, with Nori Naraoka, who is active in New York, as the producer.A gem of a Japanese pop album has been completed.In addition to the best band arrangement, Barrette, performed as a duo with pianist Ben Paterson, became the first jazz arrangement, and has become a popular song at live performances.A new world has definitely been born, taking into account the relationship with the ONONOISE series created to date. is proudly released after three years of waiting for the world's major problems to subside! Participating musicians Produce&Bass Nori Naraoka Fuzz Factory/E.Guitar Masa Shimizu E.Guitar/A.Guitar/G.Guitar Daisuke Abe Piano/Fender Rhodes/Keyboar Ben Paterson Drums Dave Moore Drums/Percussion Darrian Douglas <Profile> Tochigi Prefecture Born in Utsunomiya City. He grew up listening to popular songs and enka songs sung by his parents. Bought an electric guitar at the age of 14. At the age of 18, he started writing original songs. Formed an original band as a guitarist. 20 years old, moved to Tokyo. At the age of 21, she could not control her sudden urge to sing and became a vocalist. After playing in numerous bands, he is currently active as a singer-songwriter. I hum the song every day so that I can create a song that will accompany a scene in someone's life. He has released 4 CDs to date. ONONONOISE/NYC release, an album released on November 11th, was produced in New York in 2019 with bassist/producer Nori Naraoka and wonderful musicians living in New York.

Artist Profile

  • onosiu

    Born in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture. He grew up listening to popular songs and enka sung by his parents. At the age of 14, I bought an electric guitar. At the age of 18, he started writing original songs. Formed an original band as a guitarist. 20 years old, moved to Tokyo. At the age of 21, he became a vocalist because he couldn't control his sudden urge to sing. Currently working as a singer-songwriter after working in many bands. When a song that I have spun burns into someone's lips, I feel a great sense of happiness. I live my life while humming every day so that I can create songs that flow in one scene of someone's life. In addition, Japanese artists such as Anzen Chitai, Kozo Murashita, Akina Nakamori, and Momoe Yamaguchi have been influenced by foreign artists such as STING, jamiroquai, and John Mayer. In 2022, we welcomed New York producer Nori Naraoka and successfully completed a record-launched tour of seven locations from Hokkaido to Osaka.

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Yotsuba Records
