想い出すのは 海の匂いと
瞳に映った オレンジ色
遠くに伸びる 影が不思議で
思いだすのは 母の背中と
夕陽に浮かぶ 白い月
想い出すのは 海の匂いと
母の背中と オレンジ色
- Lyricist
Yoshinari Ogiso
- Composer
Yoshinari Ogiso
- Producer
Yoshinari Ogiso
- Guitar
Melancholic Toma's
- Bass Guitar
Melancholic Toma's
- Drums
Melancholic Toma's
- Vocals
Melancholic Toma's
Listen to Orange by Melancholic Toma's
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Melancholic Toma's
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High Way (2023Remastered)
Melancholic Toma's
A complation of 13 years of anguish and melancholy since the band has formed.
With a unique view of the world and the theme of life and death.
songs are tinged with a sense of speed and floating.
A carefully selected set of two gams.
SIde A
Artist Profile
Melancholic Toma's
I love Nirvana.Smashing Pumpkins.Radiohead Its so cool! Forever
Melancholic Toma'sの他のリリース
Inside Roots Record