俺は俺が好きだった でもいつしかそうじゃなくなった
ずっと好きでいられるほど甘くなかった またやる半端
焦んなよ 分かってるよdamm張り裂けそう 明日への 涙目と 怠惰反吐
ガキなエゴ 隠れて泣いたよでも キライになる前にひと一服
もう少し歩こうずっと付き合うぜ 何なら手でも繋いで
Time goes by in spite of bad things.Time will tell
Let's be strong. There's a lot of help right there Time will tell
Bad day. goddamn. I don't feel like doing something
いつか いつか look forward to ヒカリ
いつだって2番目 2番煎じ なんなら出涸らし
煩わしい 亡くなった魂 悲しい話全て星のせい三途の川に流し
逢いたかった君という人 誰のもんでもないみんなのもん
どこにも行かないでくれよ 俺だけ無視すんなよ
このAwesome Beatsみたいによれちまうよ
Time goes by in spite of bad things.Time will tell
Let's be strong. There's a lot of help right there.Time will tell
Bad day. goddamn. I don't feel like doing something
いつか いつか look forward to ヒカリ
- Lyricist
- Composer
Maison J
Listen to TWT by jackkn
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Released after about a year. I put what I felt through the production of It's my turn last time into the sound side, and it became a deeper, darker, and updated finish. German rascal, who became a hot topic in Kendrick Lamar's latest album participation, participated in the producer. In terms of the lyrics, the blues as jackkn is depicted, without much mentioning, I want the listener to feel what they want and use it as vitality for tomorrow.
Artist Profile
jackkn Maison J Rapper ,Track maker, Sound producer,DJ
Maison J Records