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同郷のビートメーカー、NGONGと両名義で1st Single "Trust"をリリースし、地元沖縄で人気のセレクトショップ、Chocolate JesusのCMに起用。
2023年、シンガーYo-Seaの1st Album "Sea Of Love"収録楽曲”Grateful”に客演として参加。
同年、プロデューサー/DJのTOMiと”Way Good”をリリース。
2024年、ラッパーAwichが主宰する098 RADIO vol.2 にRITTOとCHOUJIを客演に迎えた“ユーフォリア”で参加。その後、GOTTZの最新アルバム『numbers』収録「Soldiers」、5278『SEASON 1 (Deluxe)』収録の
「Better Days」に客演参加するなどキャリア初期にして多岐に渡る活躍を見せている。また、NGONGと両名義で“For My People”をリリース。
GroovyなR&Bから軽快なAfro beats、Reggae、HIPHOPまで幅広いジャンルをリリースしており、シンガーのみならずラッパーとの楽曲制作など、独自のスタイルで音楽を追求している。
現在は東京を活動拠点とし、昨年11月から4か月連続で毎月シングルを1曲ずつリリースを行い、このたび、「Flight Line」、「All in you」、「くもりのちはれ」を収録した本人待望の1st EP「Imagination」をリリース。また、HIPHOP、Reggaeton、Afro beats等、オールジャンルの楽曲を収録した2nd EP「Creation」を2025年4月リリース予定。
keigo began his music career in 2020, influenced by HIPHOP/R&B in Okinawa, Japan. He began his career in earnest with Trust, a collaboration single with hometown beatmaker NGONG, and in 2023 he guest-starred on Grateful, a track from Yo-Sea's first album, Sea Of Love. After that, he continued to collaborate with producer/DJ TOMi on the single, Way Good, Euphoria (feat. CHOUJI & RITTO), from 098 RADIO vol.2 curated by Awich, and Soldiers, from GOTTZ's latest album numbers. In the early stage of his career, he showed a wide range of activities, including guest appearances on Better Days, from 5278's SEASON 1 (Deluxe). He has released a wide range of genres from groovy R&B to light Afro beats, Reggae, and HIPHOP, and pursues his own style of music by producing songs with rappers as well as singers. He has released one single every month in a row from November 2024 to February 2025, and is scheduled to release his first EP Imagination, on March 26, 2025, which contains his groovy R&B tracks, and on April 30, 2025, his second EP Creation, is scheduled to be released on April 30, 2025, which includes all-genre songs such as HipHop, Reggaeton, Afrobeats, etc.