

My high school day’s Rock'n Roll


I used to listen to the Heavy Rock

Led zeppelin, Deep purple and Aerosmith

I tried to learn how to play the guitar

And I didn't listen to the teachers, I didn't care

My only concern was Rock'n Roll

Nobody told me how to copy their play all the time

So I just listen to their music all the time

There's no time for study, I didn't care

Oh, no!

I never thought of what's next in my life

Oh, yeah!

I'm sure I had a great time

What else could I do?

Was there any choice for me?

Then we just enjoyed our Rock'n Roll

Just like a bullshit style

Then we just enjoyed our Rock'n Roll

Those were days of my life

Sometimes I joined some bands at the same time

I played blues, jazz or so-called fusion

No choice for me but I played for the chance

Still I loved to play the Heavy Rock

Now I only listen to 60's to 80's

I'm not interested in Death Metal at all

Some guitarists showed marvelous techniques

Still they can't move my heart like Johny Winter!

Oh, yeah!

I knew that I was not talented guy

Ooh, yeah!

I'd just love to play with my friends

What else could I do?

Was there any choice for me?

Then we just enjoyed our Rock'n Roll

Just like a bullshit style

Then we just enjoyed our Rock'n Roll

Those were days of my life

Then we just enjoyed our Rock'n Roll

Just like a bullshit style

Then we just enjoyed our Rock'n Roll

Those were days of my life

  • 作詞


  • 作曲



ねこたぬ の“My high school day’s Rock'n Roll”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

