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The debut song of Kodai Mochitoku, an active college student.

I thought about the theme of the song, lyrics, composition, all by myself.
With the theme of "heartbreak", it is a song that wrote a positive feeling of walking a different path while leaving the happy memories of the two of them in their hearts.
No matter how much I try to forget, I will remember the scenes and emotions of that time ... I'm sure many people have experienced it. I would be happy if I could tell you through this song that it was not a sad thing, but a special time for just the two of us.

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  • Kodai Mochitoku

    岡山県真庭市出身現役大学生シンガーソングライター 2024年3月デビュー 2023年9月に行われた初ワンマンライブ「持徳浩太 SOLO LIVE」は発表後即完となった。 きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ、KREVA、木村カエラ、FRUITS ZIPPERなどが出演する、岡山県下最大級音楽フェス「桃太郎フェス」にオープニングアクトとして出演。

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