my song is a song for you (Remix) [2023 Remaster] Front Cover


my song is a song for you (Remix) [2023 Remaster]


君がそばにいた時 夜空の星たちが光って見えてた

いくつもの出会いも知り 夢見て立ち止まり夜空を見上げた

だけど何もないんだ 君じゃなければ


そばに君がいれば やがて僕の愛は星も照らすさ

悲しくて捨てたいことは 静かに消えゆく星とともにそっと流した

若き日々君がくれた くすまない愛だけが生きる道しるべ

あの日何も知らずに 君を泣かせた


いい大人が詩歌うけど すべて僕の歌は君への歌さ

何を求めて僕らは生きる 夢を抱き僕は君を歌う

そばに君がいれば やがて僕の愛は星も照らすさ

いい大人が詩歌うけど すべて僕の歌は君への歌さ

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my song is a song for you (Remix) [2023 Remaster] Front Cover

Listen to my song is a song for you (Remix) [2023 Remaster] by setsumero

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    my song is a song for you (Remix) [2023 Remaster]


My name is Setsumero. Thank you for watching!
This work "My Song is a Song for You Remix 2023 Remaster" is a remix of the original song and an overall update.
The biggest feature is that there are more keyboards and choruses.
In addition to acoustic slide guitar, I also played electric slide guitar.
This is an updated version of the original song, so please enjoy it!
This is a love song about young love.
Listening points include both acoustic and electric slide guitars.
Everything except the drums is played by me.
You can also watch it on YouTube, so please take a look! !

Birthplace: Saitama Prefecture, Japan

Artist Profile

  • setsumero

    nice to meet you. Thank you for watching. My name is Setsumero (Setsu Mero). Birthplace Saitama Prefecture Japan singer-songwriter/guitarist All of my works are based on real-life experiences. I want my music to be loved by everyone, but I especially want my music to reach the hearts of people who feel the same way or who are weak. Although I am exposed to a variety of music, I am particularly influenced by the blues. Regarding the performance, except for the drums, everything (acoustic guitar, electric guitar, electric bass) is played by me. I hope that together with the viewers who like my work, we can be of some positive benefit to each other's lives in the future. We will release the works one by one! Thank you very much for your support.

    Artist page
