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盟友Shingo.S(Crystal Kay、加藤ミリヤ、清水翔太、SIRUPなど)がプロデュースを手がけるメローなナンバー。90年代R&Bの懐かしいテイストも感じられるビートの上で、想い人との関係に悩む、ため息のような心情が紡がれる。自分とは別の人とも関係を持つその相手に、私だけのものになってほしいという本音を言えず、いっそ離れてしまいたいと思うものの、できない。「weakness」というタイトルは、惚れた“弱み”でもあり、このままではいけないと頭ではわかっていても、決意のできない“弱さ”でもある。人生の中で誰もが一度は迷い込んでしまうような葛藤が、どこかノスタルジーもあるサウンドスケープの中で五月雨のようにいつまでも降っては止んでを繰り返すような、切ない湿度を含んだ楽曲だ。トレンドとも呼応するR&Bサウンドと、心のひだを描くシンガー・ソングライターであるRUNG HYANGの“らしさ”が融合した「weakness」の世界に浸ってほしい。

Artist Profile


    Born in Chikuho, Fukuoka Prefecture, this third-generation Korean resident in Japan gained popularity on YouTube with the graduation song <Sakurabiyori> and made her major debut in 2012, appearing on numerous information and music programs. In addition to her own activities, she has also produced many artists, including eill, Eito, YAMORI, and Chinatsu Matsumoto, and her <RUNG HYANG Seminar> which has garnered attention across various fields, has even been featured on TV. She has released a succession of collaborative tracks with important figures in the music scene, such as SIRUP, Inshist, Taiichi Mukai, and Claquepot. Known for her realistic lyrics that feel like glimpsing into someone s life, she continues to evolve as a <soul> writer with a <mixed plate> style that incorporates various genres including jazz, hip hop, soul, and folk. Since 2022, she has also been appointed as a special professor in the Singer-Songwriting course at Osaka College of Music.

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