fantazi Front Cover




You were keeping at believing what you do

And I told you that make you lose control

The words always you reactioning to me is Denying

"Someday my dream will be coming true"

Just, I'm just sick of hearing your console

The fact almost be hiding in my mind, Sly

Charge me your insane

To not forgive me ever

Never mind, it's shade of quackermen

Howl it, charlie brown

Before becoming good for nothing

Take your jazzmaster

Oh no you got shame

It's only thing you have

Neverland in hearts is shaped like box

Don't forget, feel your K.P.K

I'm breeding an useless suspection

Cause I know everyday will be gone on

So now I should be changing my soul by rewrite

I've said don't put the blame on neighberhood

But in the case of you were forced by huge conquest

Betray me, you just have to do chase of the light

Slice me by your sound

To not remember crapper night

Come on, let's make your best one verse

Phase it, smokey brown

To not withdraw in band

Nothing beats sweetest overdrive

Blaze on crazy head

It's only thing you have to seek

That you're reminding like a track

Don't forget, feeling K.P.K

Charge me your insane

To not forgive me ever

Never mind, it's shade of quackermen

Howl it, charlie brown

Before becoming good for nothing

Take your jazzmaster

Oh no you got shame

It's only thing you have

Neverland in hearts is shaped like box

Don't forget, hey buster what's up RELAX

Slice me by your sound

To not remember crapper night

Come on, let's make your best one verse

Phase it, smokey brown

To not withdraw in band

Nothing beats sweetest overdrive

Blaze on crazy head

It's only thing you have to seek

That you're reminding like a track

OK, start it up

It's time to back the faver

Feel it, feel it

Madness K.P.K

  • Lyricist

    Kohmay Yosaka

  • Composer

    Kohmay Yosaka

fantazi Front Cover

Listen to K.P.K by aeolashine

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Japanese Junkbox Rockband aeolashine's 2nd Full Album.
"Our life is born by Dream"

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