Forged in Fireのジャケット写真


Iron Anthem

A Point

Stack it up, plates on the bar

Feel the burn, I’m raising the bar

Grip so tight, sweat like a star

Every rep’s a war, I’ve come so far

Steel in my hands, resolve in my veins

Pushing past limits, I’m breaking the chains

Rack it, lift it, the cycle remains

Through pain, through fire, strength sustains

Feet set firm, back straight, eyes locked

Mind on the prize, every movement is clocked

Muscle fibers scream, the rhythm's rocked

But failure's just a step where legends are stocked

Stack it up, plates on the bar

Feel the burn, I’m raising the bar

Grip so tight, sweat like a star

Every rep’s a war, I’ve come so far

Breath control sharp, heart’s a drumbeat

Iron whispers, “Can you take the heat?”

Form is my weapon, precision my feat

Every drop of sweat's a battle complete

Shadows on the wall mimic my stance

Weights in my hand lead a warrior's dance

Clanging steel echoes like a trance

In this arena, there’s no second chance

Push, pull, the grind's never through

Iron’s my rival, and it’s my crew

Every PR’s a mountain anew

This is my anthem, my soul’s debut

Stack it up, plates on the bar

Feel the burn, I’m raising the bar

Grip so tight, sweat like a star

Every rep’s a war, I’ve come so far

Stack it up, plates on the bar

Feel the burn, I’m raising the bar

Grip so tight, sweat like a star

Every rep’s a war, I’ve come so far

Stack it up, plates on the bar

Feel the burn, I’m raising the bar

Grip so tight, sweat like a star

Every rep’s a war, I’ve come so far

  • 作詞

    A Point

  • 作曲

    A Point

  • プロデューサー

    A Point

  • ボーカル

    A Point

Forged in Fireのジャケット写真

A Point の“Iron Anthem”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

Forged in Fireは、単なる音楽アルバムではなく、聴く者に「自分自身を鍛え上げ、困難を乗り越える力」を与えるためのサウンドトラックです。ヒップホップのリリックとメタルの重厚なサウンドが融合したこのアルバムは、あなたの心に火をつけ、新たな挑戦への一歩を踏み出す勇気を与えるでしょう。

Forged in Fireは、あなた自身の戦いのテーマソングとなること間違いなし。このアルバムを聴き、自らの限界を超え、新たな高みへと駆け上がる力を手に入れてください。


Fragment of the Universe
