Forged in Fireのジャケット写真


Seize the Flow

A Point

Life drifts by, like a river's stream

No need to rush, no frantic scheme

Pause, reflect, the quiet is wise

Catch the spark when it ignites your skies

Opportunities scattered, hidden in plain sight

Keep your vision sharp, focus tight

What are you chasing? Is it worth the toll?

Or just distractions stealing your soul?

Stop and breathe, feel the air

Time moves on, so be aware

The moments pass, don’t let them stray

Your chance will come, seize the day

Step with purpose, walk with pride

Fall if you must, but rise and stride

Waste no time on the pointless grind

Strip it back, free your mind

What you’re doing, is it true?

Or just a shadow blocking your view?

Life’s a rhythm, a dance of chance

Miss the beat, you’ll lose the stance

Every stumble’s a teacher, every fall a friend

Get back up, start again, ascend

The world keeps turning, relentless, bold

You can’t stop time, but you can mold

Find your way through the noise and glare

Grasp the moment, live with care

No wasted motion, no fleeting doubt

Be the fire burning out

Stop and breathe, feel the air

Time moves on, so be aware

The moments pass, don’t let them stray

Your chance will come, seize the day

Step with purpose, walk with pride

Fall if you must, but rise and stride

Life’s a stream, flowing free

Navigate it, be who you’ll be

No rush needed, the time is near

Stay prepared, the path is clear

  • 作詞

    A Point

  • 作曲

    A Point

  • プロデューサー

    A Point

  • ボーカル

    A Point

Forged in Fireのジャケット写真

A Point の“Seize the Flow”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

Forged in Fireは、単なる音楽アルバムではなく、聴く者に「自分自身を鍛え上げ、困難を乗り越える力」を与えるためのサウンドトラックです。ヒップホップのリリックとメタルの重厚なサウンドが融合したこのアルバムは、あなたの心に火をつけ、新たな挑戦への一歩を踏み出す勇気を与えるでしょう。

Forged in Fireは、あなた自身の戦いのテーマソングとなること間違いなし。このアルバムを聴き、自らの限界を超え、新たな高みへと駆け上がる力を手に入れてください。


Fragment of the Universe
