Forged in Fireのジャケット写真


Rise and Roar

A Point

Why you still doubting, standing still?

Clock’s ticking fast, time won’t chill

Every step back’s a lesson to learn

Feel the fire, let the tables turn

Lose it all, yeah, taste the dirt

Rise from the ground, break the hurt

Stumble, fall, then climb again

The road is tough, but you’ll sustain

Move, fight, fail, repeat

Every loss lays victory's beat

Roar louder, let the echoes soar

Your life’s a battle, nothing more

Doubt’s a shadow, cut it loose

Fear’s a chain, what’s your excuse?

Jump in deep, feel the thrill

Hesitation kills, but action heals

You’re the captain, steer the storm

Bruised and battered, but reborn

Each scar’s a medal, proof you’ve tried

Keep on pushing, kill the pride

Mistakes ain’t final, it’s just the game

Failure’s a spark, fan the flame

When you rise, they’ll feel the heat

Victory tastes best with defeat

Move, fight, fail, repeat

Every loss lays victory's beat

Roar louder, let the echoes soar

Your life’s a battle, nothing more

Doubt’s a shadow, cut it loose

Fear’s a chain, what’s your excuse?

Jump in deep, feel the thrill

Hesitation kills, but action heals

You’re the captain, steer the storm

Bruised and battered, but reborn

Each scar’s a medal, proof you’ve tried

Keep on pushing, kill the pride

Mistakes ain’t final, it’s just the game

Failure’s a spark, fan the flame

When you rise, they’ll feel the heat

Victory tastes best with defeat

This is your life, your war to win

Feel the power deep within

When you roar, let the world know

You’re Vanguard, the star of the show

  • 作詞

    A Point

  • 作曲

    A Point

  • プロデューサー

    A Point

  • ボーカル

    A Point

Forged in Fireのジャケット写真

A Point の“Rise and Roar”を


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Forged in Fireは、単なる音楽アルバムではなく、聴く者に「自分自身を鍛え上げ、困難を乗り越える力」を与えるためのサウンドトラックです。ヒップホップのリリックとメタルの重厚なサウンドが融合したこのアルバムは、あなたの心に火をつけ、新たな挑戦への一歩を踏み出す勇気を与えるでしょう。

Forged in Fireは、あなた自身の戦いのテーマソングとなること間違いなし。このアルバムを聴き、自らの限界を超え、新たな高みへと駆け上がる力を手に入れてください。


Fragment of the Universe
