indispensable physiological function in a living body (s, tc, 2030)のジャケット写真


indispensable physiological function in a living body (s, tc, 2030)


I accept the respect, be conscious of alter ego

No numbers in between, form of life and death, black and white

I left you this memory, i decide so that you move on

This cat can't live and die at same the time, there's no tints

A quantum is the discrete, a quantum is the discrete particle

It's impossible to resolve for you and me, this paradox

Sound of lightning deep down can not be heard when there is no one living around

It's like a place along an unending stretch of vapour trail

Eliminate exotic alien substances, an indispensable physiological function

For now, is all i can do to imagine

Create blue fluorescent protein oligos an indispensable physiological function

For now, its all my body needs to examine

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


indispensable physiological function in a living body (s, tc, 2030)のジャケット写真

si,irene の“indispensable physiological function in a living body (s, tc, 2030)”を


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    indispensable physiological function in a living body (s, tc, 2030)



si,irene is
Nakazawa Seiji, Kiuchi Masaki, Imai Takamasa, Kinoshita Akihiro

Performed by si,irene

Recorded at LANDRUTH music studio, and STUDIO HOPPER
Mixed at Higashikawacho, Hokkaido

song and lyrics written by si,irene


  • si,irene

    2015年結成。結成時のメンバーはリード・デイビッド、ブレソン・ケニー、木内正輝(Hour Musik)、今井貴雅(sjue)、木下瑛博(死んだ僕の彼女)の5人。2019年の年末にリード・デイビッド、ブレソン・ケニーが脱退し、中澤星児(フリサト)が加入。意志薄弱、平凡、平等でない現実、都合の良い作り話、座敷、小さな反逆、どうしようもない程に暴力的、優しさ、無限の抱擁、哲学する動物、ギリギリの運行、ギターロック。



Useful Fiction Records
