treasure found Front Cover


treasure found


いつも焦って 追いかけてた

見えない何かを 掴みたくて

だけど振り返って 目を閉じたら

今までの道に 光があった気づかずにいた 優しさとか

大切なこと 側にあったのに

探し続けた 遠い未来

本当の答えは ここにある

今日もそばに 笑顔があって

守られてる 愛に気づいた

大きな夢は まだ遠いけど

今の私は 十分なんだ

もっと欲しがる 自分じゃなく

今あるものを 抱きしめたい



雨の日でも 風が強くても

誰かがきっと 支えてくれてた

目に見えない 小さな絆

それが私を 強くしてくれた

これからもずっと 忘れないよ

当たり前の日々の 尊さを

遠い未来 夢を描いても

本当に大事なのは 今だと知った

今日もそばに 愛があって

静かな夜に 微笑み返す

いつかの不安 消えてゆくよ

この瞬間が 輝いてる

欲張るよりも 大事なこと

今あるものを 守りたいよ



見えないものに 追いかけられて

大事なもの 見失わないように

ゆっくりと 深呼吸して

この今を 大切にするよ

今日もそばに 笑顔があって

守られてる 愛に気づいた

大きな夢は まだ遠いけど

今の私は 十分なんだ

もっと欲しがる 自分じゃなく

今あるものを 抱きしめたい



そう 心が満たされてく

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treasure found Front Cover

Listen to treasure found by ra-aeon

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    treasure found


Sometimes I sigh at the gap between ideals and reality. My heart is moved by the desire to do my best and the feeling that I am lacking in something. However, this feeling of impatience can also become a driving force for growth. One day, I decided to look at myself.

First, I counted what I had, not what I didn't have. Family, friends, and small successes. I realized that they were my treasure. Next, I started praising myself. Recognize yourself for the small efforts you make each day and for trying things you're not good at. That warmed my heart.
It's also important to have soothing items nearby. A favorite book, hot tea, and soothing music. They make me feel relaxed and content. And say positive words to yourself every morning. ``I'll do my best today too.''

Don't forget to be grateful. Every day, write down three things you are grateful for. Once it becomes a habit, your mind will become calm. Reconfirm your goals. Review your short-term and long-term goals and feel the progress you are making towards them.
Finally, write down your feelings and thoughts freely. Writing down what you feel, like in a diary, helps you organize your mind. Then, spend some time with a sense of quiet happiness and contentment.

In this way, I found a way to encourage myself and live each day to the fullest without suffering from the gap between ideal and reality.
