Assorted Plusのジャケット写真



Free As Birds

Rage never fade and sorrow never vanish

And then, we go around the sun

We do something can never be undone

How can we solve the problem

All the man, snap out of it

Never let the light fade in your heart with reverence

Hold and show your caritas in your hand

Pay honor to your neighbor in our decadence

In this universe we're the same

The human contend for power forever

Deprecating wage a war

But they can't find a piece what is need

There's no telling when sequence will end

All the man, snap out of it

Never let the light fade in your heart with reverence

Hold and show your caritas in your hand

Pay honor to your neighbor in our decadence

In this universe we're the same

In this divine world, we must find

Bona fides, get up

Never let the light fade in your heart with reverence

Hold and show your caritas in your hand

Pay honor to your neighbor in our decadence

In this universe we're the same

You deny and exclude, So I closed my mouth

Hold and show your caritas in your hand

Pay honor to your neighbor in our decadence

In this universe we're the same

  • 作詞

    Free As Birds

  • 作曲

    Free As Birds

Assorted Plusのジャケット写真

Free As Birds の“Xanadu”を


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アルバムのリードトラック<My Blood Sugar Level Is Dangerous>は、3月15日(金)にYouTubeでミュージックビデオが公開された。直訳で「血糖値がヤバイ」のこの曲は、人によっては笑えて、泣ける。しかし現代人の在り方に警鐘をも鳴らす……そんなメッセージ性も含んだ作品となっている

