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Grudge Ring

I see your face bending into the sky

Meanwhile, money and props leech your eyes

Give me a break I'm sick of many lies

Let's open this hellgate

足繁く通う 地獄に罵倒

まんざら羨望 jealousに葛藤

Hellsurf join the ride catch the wave

Let's open this hellgate

Where is my mind

Gate come with me fall into nightmare

Gate families not belong here

Gate go inside, too much more than deeper

Let's open this hellgate

門前払い 性懲りも無くroll

満身離れ 初期衝動は冷蔵

世捨て人 ふらつく末路

Let's open this hellgate

I'm can't close my eyes

Bloodstained in my mind

Flesh master keep burning blaster

Responsibly I'm still here hellgate

Six feet I'm falling down again

I'm burn out all for revenge

Six feet I'm falling down again

I still knockin' on this hellgate

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    Grudge Ring

explicit darkside content Front Cover

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    Poser Smile

    Grudge Ring
