Mashonen 549 LOVEMAX Front Cover


Mashonen 549 LOVEMAX

Clarice Disc, Mashonen (CV:Mami Tamua)

手と手が触れる その先に輝く 希望の弾幕(ほし)

光る翼 宙(そら)に はためかせて 5色(ごしき)のチカラ


出会いは突然に 目の前に訪れた

何もわからないまま 僕が救世主?

乙女たちの 心の中 流れ込んでくる

救いの鍵 使命を胸に抱き 使い魔(なかま)たちと共に

手と手が 触れる その先に 輝く 希望の 弾幕(ほし)

光る翼 宙(そら)に はためかせて 5色(ごしき)のチカラ


思わせぶりの仕草 いつも僕を惑わせる

ピュアで無垢な恋心 どうすればいいの?

右手には 凛とした君 左手には 恋の魔法

契約成立 僕とLOVEMAX

目と目を合わせて 未来へと放つ カラフルな弾幕(ほし)

覚醒の絆 祈りよ届け 5色(ごしき)のココロ


おでかけも 探索も 隣には君

高まる胸 心も身体も 全部 めちゃLOVEMAX

手と手が触れる その先に輝く 希望の弾幕(ほし)

光る翼 宙(そら)に はためかせて 5色(ごしき)のチカラ

目と目を合わせて 未来へと放つ カラフルな弾幕(ほし)

覚醒の絆 祈りよ届け 5色(ごしき)のココロ


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Mashonen 549 LOVEMAX Front Cover

Listen to Mashonen 549 LOVEMAX by Clarice Disc, Mashonen (CV:Mami Tamua)

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Mashonen 549 LOVEMAX

Clarice Disc, Mashonen (CV:Mami Tamua)

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    Mashonen 549 LOVEMAX

    Clarice Disc, Mashonen (CV:Mami Tamua)

After the 5 maidens and the academy's maidens, let's go extra and reach the final stage of character songs ! The 17th character song album features the protagonist known as "The Helping Key", who's holding the world's fate on his shoulders. Until now, you could listen to a lot of songs from Gothic wa Mahou Otome, but this is the first time the young boy is featured at all. The bond between the maidens, gorgeously spun, and the melody that gives hope, even in the most ephemeral moment -- put together, they created an incredible song. Consider the song "Mashonen - 549 LOVEMAX" as an answer to all previous character songs, the Master's feelings and his resolution. What kind of "color" can you hear ?
