


for February

This beat is answer

In the past, we were able to dream

More and talk about our ideals

But as I get older, the range of

How I live my life becomes narrower

Since when have we been betrayed by ourselves?

But the music won't stop playing in my head, and maybe that's the answer to the way we

Live our lives

No matter how old we get, anxiety never goes away and we never get used to pain

The reason we laugh is to fight the suffering

We use music as a way to cope with the everyday life

How do you living ?

What can you try tomorrow when someone

Wants to live?

Think deeply again

And survive tomorrow

Each reality weaves

Its own story

Your story

What I see must be different from what you see

Which is natural in our lives

The words are always not enough to understand each other

That's why we need music and beats from old times

Even if tomorrow was my last day

I want to sing this song with my friends

I don't intend to entrust my dreams to anyone else

I just want to live my life my own way

No matter how old we get, anxiety never goes away and we never get used to pain

The reason we laugh is to fight the suffering

We use music as a way to cope with the everyday life

How do you living ?

What can you try tomorrow when someone wants to live?

Think deeply again and survive tomorrow

Each reality weaves

Its own story

Your story

This beat is answer

  • 作詞

    for February

  • 作曲

    for February

  • プロデューサー

    for February

  • レコーディングエンジニア

    for February

  • グラフィックデザイン

    for February

  • ギター

    for February

  • ベースギター

    for February

  • ドラム

    for February

  • シンセサイザー

    for February

  • ボーカル

    for February

  • アンサンブル

    for February

  • プログラミング

    for February


for February の“Salvation”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

  • ⚫︎


    for February

for Februaryがファーストシングル「Salvation」をリリース。

「Salvation」をサンプリングして制作されたファーストビートトラック「live our lives」が先日先行リリースされており、様々な配信プラットフォームの公式プレイリストにピックアップされ注目を集めている中、満を持してのリリースとなる。





  • for February

    2025年に活動を開始した5人組ネオポップスバンド。 電子音とバンドサウンドを融合したトラックとメロディアスな英詩ボーカルを緻密なサウンドデザインで纏め上げる。 制作からレコーディング、アートワークに至るまで全てをチームでセルフプロデュースしている。


    for Februaryの他のリリース