二人の間に 吹く風は
春のそよ風 光る風
あなたの 胸に抱かれて
私は聴くの 風の音
二人に向かって 吹く風は
夏の薫風 秋嵐
冬の冷たい 風吹くけれど
二人の間に 吹く風が
あるかないかの すきま風
あなたの 寝息遠く聞こえ
私は離れを 感じたの
- Lyricist
Masakuni Endo
- Composer
Hideo Kumagai

Listen to Duet Of the Wind by Kagura Machi
Streaming / Download
- 1
Kagura Machi
- 2
apprentice magician
Kagura Machi
- 3
I'm a sun
Kagura Machi
- 4
travel pillow
Kagura Machi
- ⚫︎
Duet Of the Wind
Kagura Machi
- 6
Birth place
Kagura Machi
Artist Profile
Kagura Machi
On February 11, 2020, I released a CD as a kokoronoutabito Machi. After that, it plunges into the corona misfortune and loses the place of activity. Continued activities centered on distribution apps, and then I changed my singer name to Kaguramachi on August 4, 2023. I have a strong desire to participate in the Kouhaku Uta Gassen, and I continue my daily activities with the hope that my voice will be heard by as many people as possible. I will deliver the voice that resonates deep in the heart to you.
Kagura Machiの他のリリース