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4th single of the new generation SSW "Nanoha".
Nanoha did everything from songwriting to track making.
A lofi track made by sampling environmental sounds, centering on the theme of this song, "rain", with Nanoha's natural and smoky singing voice, it's a song that snuggles up to everyday life.
We are planning to perform this song at the live audition (6/4) for the appearance at the apple music festival in Nagano in September, and create a PR video.
At the same time, we plan to distribute advertisements mainly on Instagram stories.

Artist Profile

  • Nanoha

    愛知県出身、22歳のシンガーソングライター 2023年1月より本格的に活動を開始すると同時に現在9ヶ月連続のシングルリリースを企画 楽曲制作の他MVやジャケットのアートワークも自身でプロデュースしている

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