Unforgotten Floriography (feat. HATSUNE MIKU) Front Cover


Unforgotten Floriography (feat. HATSUNE MIKU)


In the garden where whispers linger

Roses recall our first whispered "hello"

Lilies white, they watched our nights

Under stars that used to glow

Unforgotten floriography

Each petal holds a tale of you and me

In every bloom, our love's perfume

Lingers in the air, sweet and free

Violets blue, they knew our truth

Held our secrets close and deep

Daisies pure, they were sure

Our promises were theirs to keep

Unforgotten floriography

Each petal holds a tale of you and me

In every bloom, our love's perfume

Lingers in the air, sweet and free

Carnations pink, they make me think

Of laughter shared on rainy days

Forget-me-nots in shaded spots

Remind me of your gentle ways

Unforgotten floriography

Each petal holds a tale of you and me

In every bloom, our love's perfume

Lingers in the air, sweet and free

Now every flower tells your story

In a garden of whispered past lore

Through floriography, our love's allegory

Blooms forever, evermore

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Unforgotten Floriography (feat. HATSUNE MIKU) Front Cover

Listen to Unforgotten Floriography (feat. HATSUNE MIKU) by Gacky

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    Unforgotten Floriography (feat. HATSUNE MIKU)


This song unfolds in a garden where whispers linger. Roses bring back memories of our first whispered "hello," while white lilies recall the nights under glowing stars. Every petal embodies a tale of our love, with its fragrance lingering sweet and free in the air. Through the unforgotten language of flowers, our love's story continues to bloom, forever captured in the essence of floriography.
