![山本周五郎主題歌 Chigiri Kinu EnglishEditionのジャケット写真](https://tcj-image-production.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/u317091/r1310632/ite1310632.jpg?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJV4VIS2VN3X4CBGA%2F20250213%2Fap-northeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250213T212110Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=0b281f5517f6e944a8885650cde5bf98f309998ae3e035f3de6ea3b30644f8be)
![山本周五郎主題歌 Chigiri Kinu EnglishEditionのジャケット写真](https://tcj-image-production.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/u317091/r1310632/ite1310632.jpg?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJV4VIS2VN3X4CBGA%2F20250213%2Fap-northeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250213T212110Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=0b281f5517f6e944a8885650cde5bf98f309998ae3e035f3de6ea3b30644f8be)
山本周五郎主題歌 Chigiri Kinu EnglishEdition
達郎, Harugoro Shichimi
A lonely city drenched in rain
Walking alone on a solitary road
I want to live strong, but
Sorrow blocks my path
I spoke words of deceit
Trying to grasp the shape of love
But I could no longer lie
So I chose to say goodbye
Oh silence, that melts my thoughts
Please, hide this form of mine
I know this love is unforgivable
I have become someone unworthy
But if love can still reach you
Please, find it in your heart to forgive me
Tossed by the waves of fate
There were days I fell into darkness
But what saved me
Was your gentle smile
Now, I am the one who extinguishes that light
Please, find it in your heart to forgive me
In the rain where I can’t even hold an umbrella
I only wish to hide my heart
I want to call your name
But the only answer is the tears upon my cheek
I tried to lock these feelings away
Tried to live strong on my own
Yet every time your memory flickers
The ache is unbearable
The pain, relentless
Even the lonely rain will someday turn to snow
The city fades into the silence
If everything is swallowed in a single shade
Perhaps I can face tomorrow
If my thoughts could ride the wind
If there is someone who will listen
Please, let them reach you
The lonely rain turns into snow
And in the snow, your footprints remain
Yet I cannot follow them
What you left behind
I hold close, this small life
So I can believe in a new tomorrow
For now
- 作詞
Harugoro Shichimi
- 作曲
Harugoro Shichimi
- プロデューサー
Harugoro Shichimi
- ボーカル
- ソングライター
Harugoro Shichimi
![山本周五郎主題歌 Chigiri Kinu EnglishEditionのジャケット写真](https://tcj-image-production.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/u317091/r1310632/ite1310632.jpg?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJV4VIS2VN3X4CBGA%2F20250213%2Fap-northeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250213T212110Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=0b281f5517f6e944a8885650cde5bf98f309998ae3e035f3de6ea3b30644f8be)
達郎, Harugoro Shichimi の“山本周五郎主題歌 Chigiri Kinu EnglishEdition”を
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山本周五郎主題歌 Chigiri Kinu EnglishEdition
達郎, Harugoro Shichimi
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山本周五郎主題歌 Chigiri Kinu EnglishEdition
達郎, Harugoro Shichimi
丸竹書房イメージシンガーの達郎です。23歳独身。165センチ。49キロ。岡山県倉敷出身。好物あんパン。趣味城めぐり。 七味春五郎作詞のAudioBook主題歌を歌唱しております。これまで歌ってきた著者は、山本周五郎、吉川英治、野村胡堂、佐々木味津三、などの先生方の作品の主題歌になります。漫画の主題歌の他に、オリジナルソングもあります。 達郎チャンネル https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZoRlOqwFTAh-K4llWu3n7g
Harugoro Shichimi
七味春五郎。兵庫県宍粟市出身。小説を書き、朗読をし、作詞をする人。丸竹書房主催。 AudioBookは音本チャンネル、および、audiobook.jpにて、配信中です。 ■音本ちゃんねる https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeTnkaLU8_MAMSdMFVrf1dw audiobookのBGM、主題歌なども制作中
Harugoro Shichimiの他のリリース