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BCL9「アトモスフィア」は1962年から1995年までの注目すべき邦人作品10曲をセレクト。 CDタイトルになっている、故・名取吾朗氏の『吹奏楽のための詩曲「アトモスフィア」』は、まさに名作。初の完全版録音収録!伊藤康英氏の「北海変奏曲」は、第1変奏より始まり、 最後におなじみのソーラン節のメロディが登場するという遊び心溢れる作品。故・兼田敏氏の 『日本民謡組曲「わらべ唄」』は、親しみやすい日本のわらべ唄をモチーフに、1楽章が金管 アンサンブル、2楽章が木管アンサンブル、3楽章は全体合奏といったユニークな構成。櫛田 てつ之扶氏の「火の伝説」は、言わずと知れたレパートリーの他に、過去に吹奏楽コンクールの課題曲 だった作品(1970-80年代)を収録!昔懐かしい曲たちが、新曲のように蘇りました!

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Band Classics Library 9

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Artist Profile

  • Hiroshima Wind Orchestra

    Hiroshima Wind Orchestra (HWO) was formed in 1993 by professional musicians in Hiroshima to share the splendor of wind music and to spread the message of peace through music. HWO performed its 1st regular concert in October of the same year. Since then, HWO has held two regular concerts annually, and has continued to expand its activities through local events such as school concerts and public concerts. The orchestra has also accepted requests to perform at events both inside and outside of Hiroshima Prefecture. The 11th regular concert in 1999 was performed as part of the "August in Hiroshima" World Music Festival. In 2003, HWO released "The Hounds of Spring", the first CD in its Band Classics Library (Brain Music) series. This long-selling series is still available today, and includes a total of 12 CDs produced through 2009. During its 20th regular concert, which also marked the orchestra's 10th anniversary, HWO held a UNICEF Charity Event for Refugees. In 2011, Tatsuya Shimono became the orchestra's music director, and implemented an ambitious program that focused on Japanese works and the pursuit of an artistic repertoire. "Symphony for Wind Orchestra / Bin Kaneda", Mr. Shimono's inaugural CD with HWO, garnered attention as a "Special Selection" by The Record Geijutsu magazine, and won the Ongaku No Tomo Sha 49th Record Academy Award for "Wind Music, Special Category". HWO has also been awarded the "23rd Academy Award, Performance Category" from the Japan Academic Society of Wind Music, the 35th Hiroshima Culture Award, and the 2014 Hiroshima Citizens' Award. With its supple and beautiful sounds, and an ambitious program, Hiroshima Wind Orchestra has garnered attention from various quarters. We will continue to take great strides that go beyond what is normally expected from a wind orchestra, leading our audiences to the discovery of new possibilities.

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    Hiroshima Wind Orchestraの他のリリース

Brain Music