Francis Front Cover



Alt. Artisan


この 盾を振りかざしながら


ああ 振り切り去ってきたのか


言い 自分も傷ついている


ああ 過ちは拭い去れず



癒えぬ過去はそのままにしておく がいい

Cause they make what I am today

The scars on me are what keep me alive

Lost and now I have realized

The past is the best friend I can learn from


そう 夢見た僕の瞳は


ほら 同じ眼差しをしてる



錆びぬ過去はそのままにしておく がいい

Cause they make what I am today

The scars on me are what keep me alive

Lost and now I have realized

The past is the best friend I can turn to

Cause they make what I am today

The scars on me are what keep me alive

Lost and now I have realized

The past is the best friend I can turn to





Cause they make what I am today

The scars on me are what keep me alive

Lost and now I have realized

The past is the best friend I can turn to

Cause they make what I am today

The scars on me are what keep me alive

Lost and now I have realized

The past is the best friend I can turn to

  • Lyricist

    Sotaro Hasuike

  • Composer

    Sotaro Hasuike

Francis Front Cover

Listen to Francis by Alt. Artisan

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    Alt. Artisan

Alt. Artisan's memorable 1st single, "Francis." Produced in just one month since its formation in January 2024. The members of Alt. Artisan are Shoma Iwasaki (Vo.), Sotaro Hasuike (Key.), Fukuma Shiraishi (Ba.), and Koki Oura (Dr.). Each member brings diverse musical backgrounds, including R&B, fusion, jazz, J-pop, and classical, and they are known for elevating these influences in their music. While centered around the transparent and expansive vocals in "Francis," the song incorporates elements from various genres such as R&B and fusion.

Artist Profile

  • Alt. Artisan

    Alt. Artisan is a Japanese four-piece band consisting of Shoma IWASAKI (Vo.), Sotaro HASUIKE(Key.), Fukuma SHIRAISHI (Ba.), and Koki OURA (Dr.). Formed in January 2024, they released their First Single "Francis" in February and their 2nd Single "Damen Zumen Zu" in March. On April 14th (Sun), they are scheduled to hold their debut live performance at Shimokitazawa Club QUE. The First Single "Francis" has garnered attention, with airplay confirmed on multiple radios including Shibuyacross FM, demonstrating their active engagement. Their sound, backed by a rich musical background spanning rock, fusion, jazz, Latin, and classical genres, is boundless in its creativity, as they strive to pursue a new band sound.

    Artist page

    Alt. Artisanの他のリリース

Alt. Artisan
