The Tree of Light Front Cover


The Tree of Light


いつも感じてた あなたの優しさ

何も言わないけど 私にはわかる

みつめ続け 祈り続け いつのまにか

あなたの愛で 芽ばえた芽が 空へ届く

伸びろ 枝をひろげ 届けあなたの胸に

生きていける ひかり 与えてくれた

あの日の笑顔を 何度もおもいだす

愛する勇気を 忘れないように

雨に打たれ 風に吹かれ 大人になった

見上げた空 遠い夢 あなたを想う

いつか 時は過ぎて 見えぬおもいはあふれ

ひかり降り注ぐ はてしない道

雨に打たれ 風に吹かれ 大人になった

見上げた空 遠い夢 あなたを想う

いつか 時は過ぎて 見えぬおもいはあふれ

ひかりふりそそぐ すべてのものに

ひかりふりそそぐ すべてのものに

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


  • Producer

    Hajime Moji

The Tree of Light Front Cover

Listen to The Tree of Light by Kaoruco

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    The Tree of Light


After turning 50, when I resonated with nature, melodies and words came to me. The hospitalization of my elderly mother and a poem given to me by the mother of a fellow member inspired me to create a song full of parent-child feelings. May the love between parent and child that resides in the hearts of all people be a light in these chaotic times and lead to peace.

Artist Profile

  • Kaoruco

    Choreographer / Performance Artist She has choreographed a large number of high profile TV commercials, films and movies in Japan. Also directed and performed on many international and domestic stages, and writes lyrics and music too. Developed self-expresion for many people, including those with disabilities. In the summer semester of 2015, she taught her method as a part-time lecturer at the University of Tokyo.

    Artist page

M&K Project
