Light a cigarette and I wanna make it clear while hangover
In the dark, cruel lamp lights me up
I was abandoned, OK
It's all lies you said
Terrible tar makes me sore throat (Sweet)
Maybe cause I see you
Unfortunately, bad and sloppy, violent
Awesome! That's complete
Maybe cause I see you
There's no longer love
After all, There's nothing wrong with me, right?
With a cold voice
I see, I knew you would say it like that (That)
You only used the sly mind to frame me, ahh
Cause I don't wanna remember the slightly dark and sweet scent of you and me
I only quit smoking the cigarettes we had
Instead, The spicy cigarettes I chose suited me
Venus. My Venus!
The rich and like chocolate taste of you and me
I only quit smoking the cigarettes we had
I mix scarlet with blood red
It happens all the time, but if she I thought was just a one-night stand turns out to be quite chemistry with me, you know what's gonna happen?
...You know what I just felt like that
Venus. My Venus! I think you just have a pretty face and face
I still don't understand why you had Lark
Without a word, I scared of you
Suited me. Venus. My Venus!
The rich and like chocolate of you and me
I only quit smoking the cigarettes we had
I mix scarlet with blood red
- 作詞
- 作曲
- プロデューサー
- ソングライター
- プログラミング
劇情 の“Cabin”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- ⚫︎
Synthesizer VのANRI ArcaneとJUNを用いて作った曲。
1st Albumのロックなジャンルとは全く別ジャンルで別世界の意欲作です。ぜひ聴いてみてください!
2001年6月生まれ。静岡在住。 2021年に作曲をはじめ、同年9月に初楽曲を動画共有サイトへ投稿し、「劇情」としての活動を開始した。主にボーカロイドを中心とした楽曲を制作している。ジャンルはロックで、激しいオケの中に情緒的なボーカルが特徴。 2024年に自身の初アルバム「ロッテルハンター」を配信した。