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Haru Nemuri is releasing her new single called 'anointment'! In January, 2025, she announced that she had become independent and launched her own label called 'ekkolaptómenos', to explore the practice of more DIY and anarchic activities.
'anointment', the first release on her own label, became the work that would let listeners feel Haru Nemuri's new phase, as her experiences and knowledge were gathered and organized.
Since the release of the second full-length album called 'SHUNKA RYOUGEN' (2022), Haru Nemuri has been working energetically on the productions and shows, such as the release of the collaborative works with various musicians overseas, the EP called 'INSAINT' (2023) in which all the songs were recorded with the band set, and live tours both in Japan and overseas. This upcoming work is completely self-produced and resulted in a more enjoyable experience of her world.
The sacred synthesizer sounds reminiscent of sorcery and initiation, the brass orchestra that sounds as if it's imagining solemn scenery itself, the classical and powerful beats are combined together, and come to create the unique space where holiness and evil can exist at the same time. And also, she has used poetry, scream, and rap as the main vocals, but this time, she adopted the melodious topline and harmony that clings to it beautifully throughout the whole song, it produces the new attraction of her vocals.
The ritual of anointment has historically been used to secure and maintain the value of the authority of people in power, but Haru Nemuri throws a question from the inside of the ritual to the structure itself that can make it. She has held the great theme of destruction and reconstruction since before, but now Haru Nemuri has made the symphony of 'destruction' and 'reconstruction' that sounds new, attempting to crack the system that defines both the sacred and the cursed, the strong and the weak.
横浜出身のシンガーソングライター / ポエトリーラッパー / プロデューサー。自身で全楽曲の作詞・作曲・編曲を担当する。 2018年4月、1stフルアルバム『春と修羅』をリリース。2019年、マレーシア・台湾の大型ロックフェスへ出演し、3月からは香港・上海・北京・台湾・日本と、アジア全5ヵ所を回るツアーを開催。6月にはヨーロッパを代表する20万人級の巨大フェス「Primavera Sound」に出演のほか、6か国15公演のヨーロッパツアーを開催。 2022年3月、北米ツアーを開催し全ての公演がソールドアウトと大盛況で幕を閉じる。その後の「SXSW」ではロシアのフェミニスト・パンク・ロック集団「Pussy Riot」のステージに招かれ"Police State"でゲストボーカルとして参加。 同年4月、4年ぶりとなるフルアルバム『春火燎原』を発表し、米メディアPitchforkでは8.0点の高得点を獲得。10月からは、カナダ・モントリオール公演を皮切りに全30本にも及ぶ北米、ヨーロッパ、アジアツアーを開催。ワシントンD.C.公演にはハードコアシーンの最重要バンドFUGAZIのイアン・マッケイが来場し大きな話題を呼んだ。 2023年、Spotifyによる「RADAR:Early Noise 2023」に選出、「SUMMER SONIC 2023」/ ヨーロッパ大型フェスへの出演など、注目度はさらに高まりつつある中、新作『INSAINT』を発表。その後 2024年にかけてヘッドライン・ツアーとしてヨーロッパ、タイ、ニュージーランド、オーストラリア、アメリカを回り、多くの公演でチケットを完売させた。 そして2025年、自主レーベル「エコラプトメノス」を立ち上げたことを発表。