Echoes of Eternityのジャケット写真


Shadows We Chase

A Point

The sky once held a golden hue

A promise carved in shades of blue

But the winds turned sharp, the colors bled

And dreams now linger, barely fed

A broken voice, a silent vow

What will you offer, here and now?

With every scar, the truth takes form

In the eye of the never-ending storm

What do we gain by chasing the light

When shadows rise to claim the night?

A fragile hope, a fleeting flame

We walk the edge of loss and blame

I’ve felt the weight of hearts undone

A battle lost before it’s won

Yet even now, the fire remains

A stubborn spark in torrential rains

The quiet calls of what we’ve lost

A whispering ghost that counts the cost

Through every fall, we rise once more

Fighting to find what we live for

What do we gain by chasing the light

When shadows rise to claim the night?

A fragile hope, a fleeting flame

We walk the edge of loss and blame

The cracks reveal what’s held inside

A fragile truth we cannot hide

If sacrifice is the price we pay

Let courage guide us through the fray

What do we gain by facing the fight

When darkness calls, denying the light?

A fragile hope, a fleeting flame

We chase the dreams that bear no name

And when the end comes, stark and clear

Will we recall what brought us here?

For every step, a shadow’s trace

Forever bound in this endless chase

Endless chase

  • 作詞

    A Point

  • 作曲

    A Point

  • プロデューサー

    A Point

  • ボーカル

    A Point

Echoes of Eternityのジャケット写真

A Point の“Shadows We Chase”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

「Echoes of Eternity」は、過去と未来をつなぐ物語を紡ぐ3枚目のアルバムです。影と光、逆境と希望、そして運命の糸をテーマに、ピアノやヴァイオリンの美しいメロディーと重厚なギターリフが融合したサウンドが特徴です。
1曲目「Shadows We Chase」から始まり、15曲目「Unbroken Sparks」で締めくくるこのアルバムは、リスナーに深い感動と力を与えること間違いなし。
「Echoes of Eternity」を聴き、あなた自身の運命の糸を紡ぎ出してください。


Fragment of the Universe
