LIVE and PEACE 華やかに 光の花が舞い踊る
LIVE and PEACE 二度とない この瞬間を永遠に
LIVE and PEACE 鮮やかに 生まれては消える波を描き
LIVE and PEACE 今ココで 命の音を奏でろ!
Wow wow…
君と僕が作り出す 光と音のダンスフロア
今だけ全て忘れ Take Off, Let Go! さぁ、行こう!
LIVE and PEACE 華やかに 光の花が舞い踊る
LIVE and PEACE 二度とない この瞬間を永遠に
LIVE and PEACE 鮮やかに 生まれては消える波を描き
LIVE and PEACE 今ココで 命の音を奏でろ!
Wow wow…
君と僕が作り出す 光と音のダンスフロア
今だけ全て忘れ Take Off, Let Go! さぁ、行こう!
LIVE and PEACE 華やかに 光の花が舞い踊る
LIVE and PEACE 二度とない この瞬間を永遠に
LIVE and PEACE 鮮やかに 生まれては消える波を描き
LIVE and PEACE 今ココで 命の音を奏でろ!
Wow wow…
YAMAFES さぁ行こう(最高)!
YAMAFES さぁ行こう(最高)!
YAMAFES さぁ行こう(最高)!
YAMAFES さぁ行こう(最高)!
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Listen to LIVE&PEACE by Koji Yamaguchi
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Koji Yamaguchi
My first singing song "LIVE & PEACE".
Don't miss the fast playing of Koji Yamaguchi, who is known as the fastest shamisen player in the world!
The long-awaited theme song for the outdoor family music festival "YAMAFES" started with the aim of creating the best place for people to connect with each other and enrich their hearts!
The track maker AViA of the Nagoya HIPHOP unit "Kaltetto." was in charge of writing, composing, and producing the song, imagining the live energy of the artists appearing at YAMAFES and the long-awaited moment when everyone gathers once a year.
Play the sound of life! !
(coverphoto:Taishi Tokura)
Artist Profile
Koji Yamaguchi
He has been playing the shamisen since he was 5 years old and has won all the championships in the most prestigious shamisen competitions. It's like you've known him for a long time. Once you hear him, you can't get him out of your ears, and his shamisen sounds like he is singing! The sound of the strings, which instantly captivates the audience throughout the hall and reaches straight to the heart, lights up the hearts and pushes the backs of many. The world's fastest shamisen player, Koji Yamaguchi, has been traveling throughout Japan and around the world, and has received standing ovations at every venue he has performed at!
Koji Yamaguchiの他のリリース
Onsoku Records