Unstoppable RAIN Front Cover

Unstoppable RAIN

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Track List

  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music

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DJ RAIN's first album "Unstoppable RAIN" contains all songs composed and produced from scratch by DJ RAIN herself. For the past few years, she has been learning DTM at the same time as performing at over 200 venues a year. This work is the fruit of her efforts.

The opening track is her first original song, "RAINY PARTY," the strongest party anthem produced by Sendai and Osaka. The album, which is based on EDM and challenges various genres, is filled with her many ideas to make it easy to listen to for a variety of people while being conscious of the pop-like feel of the music.

"BUCKET DOWN", which was previously distributed on "READY TO PARTY Mixed by DJ RAIN", has evolved into "BUCKET DOWN ii", which has an even more party-like finish, and "ETERNITY", which was also previously distributed, is the album's only FUTURE ETERNITY", which was also distributed earlier, is the only future house song on the album, and is one that incorporates the latest trends.

The sixth song, "Fun Happiness," was featured in a TV commercial for the jeans store Amerikaya, and is filled with her wish that people all over Japan will be happy through the TV commercial.

The ninth track, "HOMIES," is a song inspired by the "friends" she has made in Sapporo, where she has been making monthly guest appearances for the past three years. The song is a party tune with a warmth that expresses gratitude to the many friends who have supported them up to now. She started DJing because she wanted to "cheer people up," and through this album, she hopes to bring energy and power to as many people as possible. Even if you don't live in the city, there are many things you can do to make your hometown Sendai more vibrant. I am still in the process of making my dreams come true, but I hope that by making my small dreams come true little by little, people who have similar dreams will feel that they can do it, too. As the name of the album suggests, DJ RAIN's momentum is unstoppable, as she continues to push forward with her dedication.

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Unstoppable RAIN

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    "人を元気にしたい"そう思いDJを始め、MCやパフォーマンスはもちろん、とにかく楽しそうにプレイする姿とは裏腹に、プレイ中は、SOUND PRODUCERを4年間務め培ってきた、観客側と箱側、どちらの立場も考えジャンルレスにプレイできる国内トップクラスのフィメールDJ。 地元仙台を拠点としながら、オープンからクローズまでの一晩のグルーブを何より重視し、どんな現場でもフロアをコントロールできる幅広い音楽の知識、選曲、女性DJでは珍しいスクラッチ等、年間200本以上のイベントをロックできるそのスキルは、全国でRESIDENT DJを任せられるほど絶大な信頼と支持を得ている。 更には、2016年11月に自身初の公式MIX CDをリリースし、現在では彼女の作品は12作目を超え、"EXTRA BASS-DRIVE BEST- Mixed by DJ RAIN"ではTSUTAYAレンタルランキング月間1位を獲得し、驚異の売上を叩き出した。 その実力は現場のみに止まらず、最近では楽曲制作にまで活躍の幅を広げ、今後目が離せないアーティストとして人気沸騰中。

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