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24emotions_ "Ni-Yon"
About 24emotions
Catchcopy: "Shaking the Times with Five Emotions"
24emotions, commonly known as "Ni-Yon," is a 5-member Japanese girl group that debuted in March 2023. Breaking away from traditional idol aesthetics, the group emphasizes its unique worldview through bold and daring performances and songs.
- Miracle Mirror**: 3rd M/V surpassed 500,000 views.
- mia mia**: 4th M/V achieved over 1 million views.
- Gaining attention not only in Japan but also across various Asian countries.
1st Live Performance
- Announced a solo live show at the 650-capacity venue "WWW X" for August 29th, backed by three months of daily flyer distribution and live streaming by the members themselves.
- Sold out the remaining 100 tickets during a 24-hour live TikTok stream only a few days before the event, and captured the number 1 spot on TikTok's trending chart just before the broadcast ended.
- The first solo live show was a huge success with a sweeping full house, shaking the audience into a whirlpool of excitement with their overwhelming performance.
Upcoming Event
- Despite being less than a year into their career, they announced a bold move: a concert at the 2000+ capacity venue "KT ZEPP YOKOHAMA," scheduled for January 26, 2024.
ダンス&ボーカルアイドルグループ、24emotions(トゥエンティーフォーエモーションズ)通称「にーよん」。 2023年3月にデビュー。EDMサウンドとキャッチーなメロディー、そしてエモーショナルで激しいダンスを特徴とするガールズグループ。 国内に留まらず各国で注目を集め、1stアルバム「Time 2 Shine 4 Us」は、カナダのiTunesStoreでJPOP部門1位獲得。YouTubeでも国外の視聴も多く獲得し、3rd MV'Miracle Mirror'は60万回を超え、4th MV’mia mia’は100万回超えを達成した。 2024年8月26日には池袋harevutaiにて2ndワンマンライブ「24/7 the LIVE」を行い、さらに進化した24emotionsを披露、その熱量をそのままアルバムにした2ndアルバム「24/7」を11月24日に発売。 彼女たちの野望は、日本のガールズグループとして唯一無二の存在になること。
AXY records