Snooze,snoozin'... Oh my How many times in my ears?
You know, My bed was pretty comfortable
So I still wanted to keep dozing off
I didn't want to wake up forever
This feeling of being like born
That's the passege of time is grown
You talkin' up
It's like the fader swichin' up
You brought me a dazzlin' light
But...What's this?
Flowin' flowing... I guess I've always been in the stream
Maybe it's nice to be swept away
You had better don't focus anymore
Hey stop picking it up!
Time is give it up!
I think it's good to ask
Snooze,snoozin'... Oh my How many times in my ears?
You know, My bed was pretty comfortable
So I still wanted to keep dozing off
I didn't want to wake up forever
This feeling of being like born
That's the passege of time is grown
You talkin' up
It's like the fader swichin' up
You brought me a dazzlin' light
But nothing
- Lyricist
Maiko Asai
- Composer
Listen to Nothing by Maiko Asai
Streaming / Download
- 1
Found It
Maiko Asai
- 2
Maiko Asai
- 3
Maiko Asai
- ⚫︎
Maiko Asai
- 5
Maiko Asai
- 6
Wheel of Lies
Maiko Asai
- 7
Maiko Asai
- 8
Maiko Asai
Second digital album by singer Maiko Asai.
Everything is just as it appears to be.
Based on the concept she believes in, the album questions the essence of people and their minds.
The album consists of 8 tracks, mainly electro house and tropical house.
The lyrics are all written by Maiko Asai herself, and the lyrical world is reflected in the diverse harmonies of the chorus work and the encounters with noise and synths.
Artist Profile
Maiko Asai
I'm Maiko Asai, entering 2021 and working as a solo artist. Honest to my heart. Intuition and creation. I hope that my singing voice will resonate in my body, soften me, and be transmitted as a wave. I hope that the waves will be transmitted to the people who receive them with the okay they need.
Maiko Asaiの他のリリース
studio givin