I Can't Challenge Myself Front Cover


I Can't Challenge Myself

Check No Apple Juice

クラスメイトはみんな SNSで輝いてる

「新しいこと始めた!」 そんな投稿ばかり

でも自分の画面越し 見えてくるのは不安だけ


チャレンジなんてできないし 自信(じしん)なんて持ってない

やりたい気持ちはあるけれど 心が動かない

周りに流されてしまう 私って弱いのかな

「一歩踏み出そう」なんて 簡単に言わないでよ


夢や目標があれば もっとラクなのかな

大きな言葉で語らなくていい わかってはいるけど

自分の小ささに気づくたび 涙が零れそうになる

チャレンジなんてできないし 傷つくのが怖いから

迷いながら 何もできずに日々が過ぎてゆく

期待されるほど 息苦しくなるだけ

「頑張れ」って言葉さえ 遠く聞こえるよ

だけど ほんの少しだけ


それを声に出したら 崩れてしまいそうで


チャレンジなんてできないし それでもまだ諦めたくない

すれ違う視線の中で 答えを探してる

いつかは言えるのかな 「私、こんなことが好きなんだ」

不器用なままでも 少しずつ 踏み出したいんだ

  • Lyricist

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Composer

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Producer

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Vocals

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Songwriter

    Check No Apple Juice

I Can't Challenge Myself Front Cover

Listen to I Can't Challenge Myself by Check No Apple Juice

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    I Can't Challenge Myself

    Check No Apple Juice

We are proud to present "I Can't Challenge Myself," a song that delicately captures the inner struggle of today's youth who find themselves unable to take that first step while watching their peers shine on social media.
Beginning with the line "All my classmates are shining on social media," this song authentically portrays the feelings of inferiority born from comparison, the pressure from those around us, and the confrontation with our own inner anxieties.
The honest confession that became the title, "I can't challenge myself, I don't have confidence," represents the unspoken truth that many young people feel but cannot express. Meanwhile, the song also depicts a delicate flame of hope in the lyrics "I hold dreams I can't tell anyone about."
In an era where only perfect images are valued in the social media world, this song quietly questions the importance of having the courage to take steps forward in your own way, even if imperfect or awkward.
"Even if I'm clumsy, I want to step forward little by little"-this is a message song carefully woven with emotional nuances that we hope reaches everyone who resonates with these words.

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