ラム・プルーン なだめてくれないと愛さないわ
Verse 1:
I've never forgotten that sunset time
The man across the paddy field
Tall and stylish, you are
But you're a helpless man (Repeat)
Why are your words so full of falsehoods
Words that sound as if there is smoke without fire
My love sinks in my chest and disappears
Just when I saw you and your partner looking happy
I'm going to give my heart to another love
It's too late to go back to the way it was, give me back the love I sent you
I didn't mean to share my feelings with others (Repeat)
I don't follow people home like you do
We were supposed to be serious, but I didn't realize how full of lies you were
I'm not with you anymore
Don't worry, I can sleep alone
Who's being dishonest? (Repeat)
If you don't soothe me, I don't love you
If you don't love me, I don't care about you
I'm not going to walk with anyone
You're just slowing me down
Let's end the relationship we've had
Stop pestering me with sweet nothings (Repeat)
I will only tell you the truth
I'm not going out with you anymore (Repeat)
Hook 1:
Your love is not serious (Repeat)
I won't be upset if you hit on me with the most beautiful words in the world
I don't blame you, a man of white leadtree flowers (*1) (Repeat)
I was moved by your words
Verse 2:
In order to go out with you, I have to read up to move three or four, or I'll be in trouble (Repeat)
I don't know if you're joking or not
Even the bad guys are no match for you
Even the bad guys are no match for you, as Mr. Tongmee Malai (*2) warned me
Even a high-voltage current can't defeat you
As I have little merit, this is where I'll end up with you
I'm not a match for you with your beauty and courage
I'll leave my future fate to the heavens
Listen to this song
I'll make it clear whether it's black or white
I don't want to say anything big
I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but your luck is good right now
Hook 2
Let's end this love (Repeat)
It doesn't matter if you're lucky or unlucky, you need to end this relationship
Even though you never said goodbye
You scoffed at me
I'm the one who doesn't care (Repeat)
Verse 3:
It's nice to be long-lived and wealthy (Repeat)
I won't bother anyone if I die
I'm sorry, you're human scum (Repeat)
Don't pry into who I like
Just because you're rich doesn't mean you can't dress up and be flattering
Don't think you can taste me
I don't care if you're not here (Repeat)
I can't Ding Dong (*3). You'll make my life a living hell
I'll start a rumor that I'm pregnant with you
It doesn't matter that my belly's swollen
When you open your eyes, all you see are excuses (Repeat)
Because you're not trying to show anyone how to determine if a woman you've dated is pregnant or infertile
It's so frustrating
Listening to your dirty talk
I'm sure you'll be convicted one day
With your arrogance, you invite your own corruption
Hook 3:
Sing the song of Teng Leng Teng (Repeat)
Let it reverberate in the fields and high in the sky
I don't want to try my luck with another woman
I'm not going on a date to the Inn (*4)
Real gold is a whole different beast than fake
It's you, kicking and stomping in your drunken stupor
It's like when you're drunk and you kick and step and you realize you've broken four cases of glasses
I'm not going to argue with you Nothing good will come of it
How dare you cheat on a woman with this wicked man?
How dare you cheat on a woman with such an evil man?
* Footnotes:
1: In the language of flowers, it means 'sincere love,' but here it is used in an ironic way
2: Refers to the legendary lam phloen king, Tongmee Malai
3: A cryptic and obscure word for sexual intercourse that was often used in Thailand at that time
4: 'Inn' is a facility where travelers can stay and eat in Thailand, where there are many Chinese-owned businesses, it is also called 'lonetian' in the Chinese way
- 作詞
- 作曲
チャバープライ・ナームワイ の“ラム・プルーン なだめてくれないと愛さないわ”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
スリン・パークシリの仕事2:特選モーラム集 1960s-80s
- 1
ラム・プルーン カッコイイ男
- 2
ラム・プルーン わたしを指名して下さい
- 3
ラム・プルーン 女の子をたしなめる
- 4
- 5
ラム・プルーン 俺とつきあって下さい
- ⚫︎
ラム・プルーン なだめてくれないと愛さないわ
- 7
ラム・プルーン サウジアラビアへの思い
- 8
ラム・プルーン 親友と親友 (Instrumental)
- 9
ラム・プルーン 若いバツイチ男
- 10
ラム・プルーン カティナ祭り
- 11
- 12
ラム・プルーン サコンナコーン
- 13
ラム・タンワイ ジゴレット
- 14
ラム・プルーン 民謡
- 15
ラム・プルーン 野外映画の物語
- 16
ラム・プルーン ナコーンパノム
- 17
ラム・プルーン 別れの前に
- 18
ラム・トゥーイ 愛のラムウォン
- 19
ラム・プルーン 森の散策の物語
- 20
ラム・プルーン 愛しましょう
- 21
ラム・トゥーイ イサーン女の約束
パークシリはアンカナーン・クンチャイ「イサーン・ラム・プルーン」で、タイの伝統芸能と西洋ポップスを折衷し、タイ歌謡の方向を変えてしまった革命児ですが、彼のルーツであるタイ東北地方イサーンの伝統的語り芸、モーラムの発展にも人一倍の創意でとりくみました。 本作はレコードからカセットテープへと媒体が移っていく1970年代から80年代、パークシリが手がけたモーラム作品をコンパイルした、タイでいまだ編纂されていない音源集です。この珠玉の曲群が長らく手付かずだった理由は、彼が独立プロデューサーだったことと、作品のほとんどが7インチ・シングル盤で流通していたことにあります。1曲単位の制作だったシングル盤時代からカセットテープ時代に入り、フォーマット上の要請で音源を大量供給する必要がうまれ、プロデューサー達は格式あるモーラムの型を崩し、芸能技術の敷居を下げて対応しました。これが80年代のモーラム・ブームを駆動させましたが、パークシリの流儀は、芸能の型は崩さないかわりにサウンド(オケ、バンド演奏)で革新を追求することにあり、新旧・有名無名のモーラム達を相手に音楽的バリエーションを生み出すことに成功。これはモノ・コードで演奏も楽器も固定され、ワンウェイになりがちな同ジャンルでは驚異的です。