into the WAVESのジャケット写真


into the depths


I hope this song will be your anthem and your sign

Take a breath

Burn your soul

Live with your regret

I'm slave of the past

Drown in the past and i can't breath

How about you?

Look at me

We live with regret

We sink into the depths of see

Do you still want to breath

What is left of me is a candle-like fire in my heart

We have no choice but to live with regret

We keep shouting in the water

We will sing even if our voices dies

I hope our voices become a sign

Is your head dead?

When did you stop thinking?

Or did you forget it locker?

I've got my finger crossed

I've no intention die here

Live with regret

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


into the WAVESのジャケット写真

WAVES の“into the depths”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

into the WAVES 6/20 Release
