言語は形 知らない土地 メランコリー
元取る覚悟が違う 辺りの者たち
どこまでいっても どこまでいっても
すべてをしりえないこと あなたはわかるから
たべたいのは たべたいのは
フィッシュ・アンド・チップス と
いつも ゲータレード
もう もう もう 何回も言わせないで
もう もう 何回も言わせないでよ
もう もう ねぇ もう 何回も言わせないで
もう ねぇ もう 何回も言わせないでよ
- Lyricist
Ginnojo Hoshi
- Composer
Ginnojo Hoshi
Listen to MOU by tiny baby
Streaming / Download
- 1
Goodbye Childhood
tiny baby
- 2
tiny baby
- 3
Sonic The Punch
tiny baby
- ⚫︎
tiny baby
- 5
Singin' in the Rain
tiny baby
- 6
tiny baby
- 7
tiny baby
- 8
tiny baby
- 9
tiny baby
- 10
Remember Me
tiny baby
- 11
Ghost (Nao Sagara Remix)
tiny baby
The Pop'n music is here.
The first full-length album by "tiny baby,"
a music unit that reinterprets new-generation pop music,
crossing over 70's AOR, city pop, and 90's Shibuya-style culture.
The average age of the band members is 22 years old,
and the result is not AOR (Adult Oriented Rock), but BOR (Baby Oriented Rock)!
The album contains 11 songs that are sometimes surprisingly pop and nostalgic.
Artist Profile
tiny baby
"tiny baby" is a band that reinterprets new generation pop music, crossing over from 70's AOR and city pop to 90's Shibuya-kei. tiny baby's science is sometimes surprisingly pop and nostalgic.
tiny babyの他のリリース
tinybaby Records