You know that I’m a butterfly
飛び舞うの in the sky
I’m seeking for the crushing one
無邪気なyour tacticsじゃ
It’s waste of time つまらない
Thrill飛びこえて 感じさせてecstasy
高鳴るわfeeling 素敵でしょ?my sweet wings
はためかせround and round…
くだらないreason捨て去って with a swing
Don’t miss it! Listen to my beat!
ココロオドル? You know why
ためらうならGoodbye 自由に踊り明かすわ
与えたげるtime for you
捕まえてよ Hold me その手で Catching my love
I know that you are loving me
無邪気なlove game with you
そんなlow stimulationで 満たされているの?
夢中にさせてよ 今すぐI’m crazy for you
Border飛びこえて 感じさせてemergency
確かめるfeeling 無敵でしょ? Sing with me
重ね合いover and over and over and over again
意味のないquestion 捨て去って with a swing
Get going! Let’s ride on my beat!
見せてあげるlove for you
逃げ出すならGoodbye 自由に歌い明かすわ
とっくにI’m ready for you
Chanceあげるone more time
捕まえてよ Hold me その手で Catching my love
ココロオドル? You know why
ためらうならGoodbye 自由に踊り明かすわ
与えたげるtime for you
捕まえてよ Hold me その手で Catching my love
愛 見せてあげるLove for you
逃げ出すならGoodbye 自由に歌い明かすわ
とっくにI’m ready for you
Chanceあげるone more time
捕まえてよ Hold me その手で Catching my love
ココロオドル? You know why
ためらうならGoodbye 自由にDancing the night away
与えたげるtime for you キミにあげる final chance
捕まえてよHold me その手で Catching my love
愛 見せてあげるLove for you
逃げ出すならGoodbye 自由にSinging the night away
とっくにI’m ready for you
キミと歌うlast chorus
捕まえてよ Hold me その手で Catching my love
- Lyricist
Yoko Kadoyama
- Composer
Yuushou Kiyono

Listen to Catching My Love by Yoko Kadoyama
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Catching My Love
Yoko Kadoyama
A light dance number featuring a horn section that makes you want to dance. In the second half of the angry chorus refrain, the choruses are piled up to color the mellow vocals, bringing you to a free world full of euphoria. A danceable R&B POP number packed with Yoko Kadoyama's R&B essence.
Artist Profile
Yoko Kadoyama
Started solo LIVE (Yoko Festival) in 2018. Released the first single "Hikari Sasu" in 2020, the second single "Tomorrow's Wind" in 2021, the third single "Yoruyo Konomama", and "Shout with Delight" in 2022. Sing a wide range of genres such as R&B, ROCK, and POPS with a clear and groovy singing voice. Write all the songs by yourself. The words and worldview have gained a lot of sympathy across generations and genders.
Yoko Kadoyamaの他のリリース