DogPig Front Cover



Lumpen N' Thug

One, two... how many, oh seven right hands

One two three left hands, and one right extra, hard to find lefties

Look at those jewelries, don't even suit y'all

Bracelets, rings, gold watch, this Rollie

Just use your other hand to wipe your ass man, you still got one hand left, look

I used to be a human being before I got killed, also had a right hand, is anybody seeing?

Presidential candidate Congressman, Editor-in-Chief, and you! Bald Chairman

How many bodies I'd buried for y'all, cut it!How many hoes I'd sent to your villa, cut it!

I've done all favors, all sexual favors, and this my turn I've cut y'all hands off!

Bald Chairman said publics are dogs let them bark, and pigs let them suck

While girls were sucking his dick and balls even small, there's financial power, they swallowed with some highball

But I made them pay by their hands

Why am I still living in a land

Look at this axe, my path!

Look at that grandma she's crying,her son, no hand, don't cry, he'd committed a crime!

I can't find my hand, never be at peace

No matter how many hands I stack

This thirst will never, never be relieved even with these deads

Never ending road

I just want my hand, coming to you

I can't be a human being ever again, also have a sin sticking on my pig skin, need a couple bottles of gin so I can suck it in

I stopped regretting what I'd done, I was a human being

Killing, robbing, selling, was a fight for myself to survive, make a living

Cheers to the selfish opinion, that's me, at the bottom of the pyramid I still wanted living

Social misfit, uneducated scum like me, nevertheless, wanted make a life like a human being

Fuck that! I'm enjoying this hell, I'll keep cutting motherfuckers' hands, I am a DogPig!

Where's motherfuckers thinking dogs and pigs, remember you don't have wings just the dicks!

Where's motherfuckers trying hard looking down others, delusional fuckers, bitch ass motherfuckers!

I can't find my hand, never be at peace

No matter how many hands I stack

This thirst will never, never be relieved even with these deads

Never ending road

I just want my hand, coming to you

  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    KJ King

DogPig Front Cover

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    Lumpen N' Thug


Where's my hand, coming to you...

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