Medical Concierge I'moon, SAAGMUSIC
You see, I'm a force of nature
Soft and strong, warm and plenty
My imperfections glow in the dark
And makes the most perfect sense
I bend with ease, but never broken
The light, the love pulsing through
The world within me
As I dance to the beating of my heart
Lifts me up all the way
This is me in my sanctuary
With my every step and my every move
My natural, beautiful light shining through
Let me share it with you
Let my light shine, shine through you
Brighter with every breath
This is me in my sanctuary
I am strong, strong enough just as I am
For I stand with love every time
Just as I am, in my sacred place
- Lyricist
ayumi melody
- Composer
- Producer
- Programming

Listen to Sanctuary by Medical Concierge I'moon, SAAGMUSIC
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Medical Concierge I'moon, SAAGMUSIC
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Medical Concierge I'moon, SAAGMUSIC
Artist Profile
Medical Concierge I'moon
「挑戦って、美しい」 Medical Concierge I’moonが表現する「美しさ」とは 高みを目指して挑戦を続け、己を超えていく姿。 23-24 SEASONでは、 スタイリッシュ×セクシーで洗練された女性へ生まれ変わり、成長を遂げた。 24-25 SEASONは5人の新メンバーを迎え、 D.LEAGUE唯一の女性チームとして更なる飛躍を誓う。 ダンス力、指導力を兼ね備えたMIZUEをディレクターに、 圧倒的なしなやかさとJAZZ HIPHOPならではのグルーヴを活かして CHAMPIONSHIP進出を目指す。
Medical Concierge I'moonの他のリリース
D.LEAGUE inc. / Medical Concierge Co.,Ltd.