



I remember you

The color of your eyes

I remember you

When looking at the sky

I remember you

The sound of your voice

I remember you

When whispering the tale

Everywhere I go I search for you

Tell me how to live on in this breathless world

If I ever knew how the story ends I wish

Had never known you all in the first place

I remember you

The smile on your face

I remember you

When seeing me first time

I remember you

The touch of your skin

I remember you

When reaching out for me

Everytime you call my name I felt

It’s the only gospel in this hopeless world

Even If I turn to the foam of the sea I will

Never gonna forget everything you had done

It’s better to see your face

With smile rather than the tear

No matter how hard it may be

Forever I dream of you

Every piece of precious memories

When I line up all, the biggest one is you

Even if you forget your “little mermaid” I’ll say

Never gonna rewrite the stars of you and me

  • 作詞


  • 作曲



hana の“Horoscope”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

シンガーhanaの2nd Album。
キュートでエレクトロな5曲入り。特設サイトは yokubari-charlotte.tumblr.com / 参加作家様… colate / nyankobrq / STUDIO PUPPY / 中村さんそ / C-show(敬称略)
